Преглед садржаја:
- Како се прави рицинусово уље?
- Предности рицинусовог уља за косу
- Нежељени ефекти рицинусовог уља
- Колико често треба да користите рицинусово уље на коси?
- Како користити рицинусово уље за раст косе
- А. Како користити рицинусово уље за борбу против губитка косе
- Шта вам је потребно
- Упутства
- Б. Третман рицинусовим уљем за раст косе
- Шта вам је потребно
- Упутства
- Ц. Природне домаће маске за косу са рицинусовим уљем
- 1. Рицинусово уље и мешавина маслиновог уља за косу
- Шта вам је потребно
- What You Need To Do
- 2. Castor Oil And Coconut Oil Mix For Hair
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 3. Aloe Vera And Castor Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 4. Castor Oil And Peppermint Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 5. Castor Oil And Almond Oil Mix For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 6. Onion Juice And Castor Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 7. Castor Oil And Avocado Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 8. Castor Oil And Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 9. Castor Oil And Vitamin E For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 10. Castor Oil And Mustard Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 11. Castor Oil And Tea Tree Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 12. Castor Oil And Jojoba Oil For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 13. Castor Oil And Cayenne Pepper For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 14. Castor Oil And Garlic For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 15. Castor Oil And Glycerin For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 16. Castor Oil And Monistat For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 17. Castor Oil And Shea Butter For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- 18. Castor Oil And Ginger For Hair Growth
- What You Need
- What You Need To Do
- How To Remove Castor Oil From Hair Easily
- 35 sources
Рицинусово уље је веома популарно због своје медицинске употребе. Речено је да је једно од најбољих уља за косу за раст косе. Анегдотски докази сугеришу да помаже у спречавању перути и других инфекција коже главе. Такође помаже у смањењу губитка косе и влажи је. У овом чланку ћемо разложити зашто је рицинусово уље добро за косу, њене нежељене ефекте и како га уградити у редовни режим неге косе. Читајте даље да бисте сазнали више!
Како се прави рицинусово уље?
Уље се извлачи из семена рицинуса кроз поступак пресовања. Рицинусово уље је углавном безбојно или бледо жуто, врло благог мириса. Осећа се лепљиво и густо, па многи пре употребе воле да га помешају са лакшим уљем. Састоји се од укупно 18 масних киселина. Рицинусово уље је такође овлаживач, што значи да привлачи и задржава влагу у коси и кожи.
У наставку се говори о предностима рицинусовог уља за косу.
Предности рицинусовог уља за косу
- Истраживања показују да рицинус помаже у подстицању раста косе и смањењу перути (1).
- Рицинусово уље садржи рицинолеинску киселину која има противупална својства (2). Отуда може да помогне у смиривању и смањењу иритације коже главе.
- Рицинусово уље може помоћи у смањењу перути (3). Има антимикробна, антибактеријска и антивирусна својства (4). Они могу помоћи у чишћењу власишта и заштити га од инфекција.
- Рицинусово уље побољшава циркулацију крви (5). Ово може помоћи у повећању циркулације крви у глави и повећању дебљине и густине косе.
- Рицинусово уље садржи омега-6 масне киселине (5). Ове масне киселине могу помоћи у побољшању укупног здравља косе и текстуре косе.
- Рицинусово уље чини косу тамнијом и спречава рано старење косе попут превременог седења (5).
- Рицинусово уље такође има антиоксидативна својства (4). Стога може помоћи у смањењу оштећења и опадања косе изазваних слободним радикалима.
- Студија је показала да рицинусово уље помаже у смањењу губитка косе, исечених врхова и оштећења косе (6).
- Рицинусово уље такође може да помогне влажи косу и да је кондиционише (6).
- Студија је показала да рицинусово уље може помоћи у повећању сјаја косе (7).
Као и код било ког другог састојка, рицинусово уље може изазвати неке нежељене ефекте.
Нежељени ефекти рицинусовог уља
Студија је показала да је рицинусово уље изазвало озбиљно филцање косе (8). Употреба превише рицинусовог уља може довести до тога да коса постане тврда и замршена. Стога је важно да се користи умерено.
Колико често треба да користите рицинусово уље на коси?
Подмазивање ваше косе помаже јој да буде хидрирана и негована. Морате подмазати косу најмање једном или два пута недељно. Имајте на уму да превише рицинуса може проузроковати филцање косе. Стога можете испробати комбинацију рицинусовог уља са другим уљем попут уља јојобе, кокосовог уља или маслиновог уља.
У следећем одељку смо навели рецепте рицинусовог уља за поспешивање раста косе. Погледај.
Како користити рицинусово уље за раст косе
А. Како користити рицинусово уље за борбу против губитка косе
Шта вам је потребно
1/2 шоље рицинусовог уља
- Узмите мало рицинусовог уља у длан и прођите кроз косу од корена до врхова (на исти начин на који наносите своје уобичајено уље). Добро умасирајте. Рицинусово уље је гушће густине, што отежава његово испирање. Стога, уверите се да не користите превише уља.
- Оставите уље да делује најмање 15-20 минута. Можете је оставити и преко ноћи.
- Због густе конзистенције, испирање рицинусовог уља може бити прилично тежак задатак. Да бисте се решили уља, мораћете да га шампонирате више пута. Али овај метод делује код неких - припремите косу комерцијалним регенератором 30 минута пре туширања. Уље би требало лако да се скине.
- Након што оперете косу, осушите је пешкиром и избегавајте да одмах користите било који алат за обликовање топлотом.
Иако се ваша коса може осећати влажно, проћи ће неко време док не видите никакве резултате.
Напомена: Овај третман најбоље делује на благо влажној коси.
Б. Третман рицинусовим уљем за раст косе
Постоји много анегдоталних доказа да рицинус помаже у лечењу губитка косе и подстиче раст косе. С обзиром да је густа и тешка, можда ће бити лакше упарити је са другим уљем да бисте је олабавили. Такође има врло необичан мирис који не одговара свима, а који друга уља, попут бадема, могу покрити.
Следећи напитак је комбинација четири уља - кокоса, слатког бадема, сезама и рицинуса. Иако можете додавати или уклањати уља у зависности од расположивости и преференција, не постоји ништа слично коришћењу сва четири заједно.
Шта вам је потребно
- 2 кашике екстра девичанског кокосовог уља
- 2 кашике уља слатког бадема
- 2 кашике сусамовог уља
- 1 кашика рицинусовог уља
- Помијешајте четири уља и умасирајте смешу у кожу главе и од корена до врхова косе. Можете мало подгрејати уље за бржи продор.
- Држите га најмање 60 минута. По жељи бисте га могли оставити преко ноћи за боље резултате.
- Шампонирајте косу да бисте је опрали.
Ово уље је савршено за подстицање раста косе. Можете га правити у великим количинама и чувати додавањем капсуле са витамином Е уље да бисте му повећали рок трајања.
Ц. Природне домаће маске за косу са рицинусовим уљем
Испод је наведено неколико маски за косу које користе рицинусово уље. Ове маске могу вашу косу учинити дугом и здравом.
1. Рицинусово уље и мешавина маслиновог уља за косу
Маслиново уље може вам помоћи да одржавате косу и смањите јој губитак (6). У комбинацији са рицинусовим уљем може поспешити раст косе.
Шта вам је потребно
- 1-2 кашике рицинусовог уља
- 1-2 кашике маслиновог уља
- 5-6 латица хибискуса
What You Need To Do
- Mix equal proportions of the two oils in a small cup.
- Add hibiscus petals to it.
- Heat the oil on a medium flame for 10 seconds and apply it to your hair.
- Massage your scalp gently for 10-15 minutes.
- Wrap your head with a steamed towel to lock in the moisture.
- Leave it on for an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water and shampoo.
- Repeat this process weekly for the best results.
Note: You can also use a blend of castor, olive, and lavender oils.
2. Castor Oil And Coconut Oil Mix For Hair
Coconut oil has antibacterial properties (9). It can keep scalp infections at bay and promote hair regrowth. Coconut oil is one of the few oils that can penetrate the hair shaft and reach the cuticle and cortex (10). It can moisturize and nourish hair from within. Coconut oil also helps prevent hair damage from everyday weathering and heat damage.
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons castor oil
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil (liquid)
What You Need To Do
- Mix castor oil and coconut oil in a bowl and apply the mix gently to your dry hair.
- Massage your scalp well for at least five minutes.
- Spread the oil mix thoroughly into your hair and put on a shower cap.
- Keep the hair mask on for at least two hours before washing it off by using the aforementioned technique. Leaving it on overnight is also a good option.
- Follow this treatment twice a week for two to three months to regain hair at a faster pace.
3. Aloe Vera And Castor Oil For Hair Growth
Aloe vera is an emollient used to moisturize the hair and skin. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which will help keep your hair and scalp clean and healthy (11). It can also help reduce dandruff (12). Animal studies have shown that fenugreek seeds can promote hair growth (13).
Use this blend of castor oil and aloe vera to relieve itchy scalp, dandruff, and hair loss.
What You Need
- 2 teaspoons castor oil
- 1/2 cup aloe vera gel
- 1 teaspoon basil powder
- 2 teaspoons fenugreek powder
What You Need To Do
- Use a hand blender to blend all the ingredients to form a thick hair mask.
- Apply this paste on your hair and scalp gently, ensuring that you have covered every strand.
- Wear a shower cap and let the mask set deeply in your hair. Leave it on for two to three hours.
- Rinse it off by using a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
4. Castor Oil And Peppermint Oil For Hair Growth
Research shows that peppermint oil stimulates hair growth (14). It keeps the hair in the anagen phase for a long time, which reduces hair loss. It also helps increase hair thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth. It also has antimicrobial properties, which can help keep the scalp clean from infections.
What You Need
- 100 ml castor oil
- 2-3 drops peppermint oil
What You Need To Do
- Add two to three drops of peppermint oil to castor oil and shake it well.
- Center part your hair and apply the mix directly to your scalp.
- Repeat this process until your whole head is covered.
- Let the mask stay on for at least two hours before washing it off.
- You can use this blend twice a week for a couple of months to witness faster results.
5. Castor Oil And Almond Oil Mix For Hair Growth
Almond oil is extracted from the seed, which showed good hair growth-promoting activity in rats (15). Almond oil also has emollient properties (16). Hence, it can nourish and moisturize the hair and scalp.
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons castor oil
- 2 tablespoons almond oil
What You Need To Do
- Mix the oils in a bowl and heat it on medium flame for a few seconds.
- Apply this blend to your scalp and hair.
- Massage well for 5-10 minutes using your fingers.
- Wash it off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo.
6. Onion Juice And Castor Oil For Hair Growth
Research shows that onion juice can stimulate hair growth (17). It also exhibits antifungal activities against Malassezia, the dandruff-causing fungi (18).
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons castor oil
- 2 tablespoons onion juice
What You Need To Do
- Add two tablespoons of onion juice in a bowl containing another two tablespoons of castor oil and blend them.
- Massage your scalp and hair gently with this mix.
- Leave it on for about two hours.
- Rinse the oil off gently by using a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
7. Castor Oil And Avocado Oil For Hair Growth
Avocado oil has antioxidant properties owing to its high vitamin E content (19). Olive oil conditions the hair and scalp and reduces hair loss.
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon castor oil
- 1 tablespoon avocado oil
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
What You Need To Do
- Mix the three oils in a bowl.
- Apply the mixture to your scalp and massage gently for 5-10 minutes with your fingertips.
- Wash it off after two to three hours using the technique we discussed earlier.
- Use this oil once every week for stronger, healthier hair.
8. Castor Oil And Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth
A study showed that rosemary could be used to stimulate hair growth (20). It has antifungal properties that prevent fungal infection on the scalp, like dandruff (21).
What You Need
- 2 teaspoons castor oil
- 2 teaspoons coconut oil
- 2-3 drops rosemary essential oil
What You Need To Do
- Mix castor oil and coconut oil in a bowl. Heat the container until they are blended.
- Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to this blend.
- Massage your scalp and hair with this hot oil for 5-10 minutes. This hot oil treatment allows nutrients to seep into the hair follicles, locking the shine.
- Leave the oil on for another 15 minutes.
- Use a mild shampoo to get rid of the oil.
- Go for this treatment every week for a few months for the desired effect.
9. Castor Oil And Vitamin E For Hair Growth
Vitamin E is the lipid-soluble antioxidant that helps repair damaged hair. Vitamin E supplementation was found to aid hair growth (22).
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon warm castor oil
- 1 tablespoon warm olive oil
- 2 vitamin E capsules
What You Need To Do
- Blend the two oils in a bowl and empty the contents of two vitamin E capsules into it.
- Massage your scalp gently with the mixture using your fingertips. Use circular motions for the maximum effect.
- Wash your hair after half an hour with warm water.
- Repeat this process twice or thrice a week.
Note: You can also go for a coconut milk massage as it is highly rich in vitamin E.
10. Castor Oil And Mustard Oil For Hair Growth
There is no scientific evidence to prove that mustard oil aids hair growth. However, mustard oil is highly rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals like selenium, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and beta-carotene (23). These nutrients aid hair health.
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon castor oil
- 1 tablespoon mustard oil
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
What You Need To Do
- Add these three oils in a bottle and shake well.
- Massage this mix onto your scalp for 5-10 minutes.
- Wrap your hair in a steamed towel and let it stay for 30 to 45 minutes.
- Shampoo your hair well using lukewarm water.
- Repeat this process once a week to improve the condition of your hair and scalp.
11. Castor Oil And Tea Tree Oil For Hair Growth
Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties (24). It can soothe the scalp and help get rid of dandruff (25).
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons Jamaican Black Castor Oil (JBCO)
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon tea tree oil
- Applicator bottle
What You Need To Do
- Add JBCO, coconut oil, and tea tree oil in an applicator bottle and shake it well.
- Apply this oil mix to your scalp and hair. Massage for 5-10 minutes with your fingertips.
- Let it sit for at least half an hour.
- Wash off using warm water and shampoo.
- Use this solution twice a week to get thicker hair.
12. Castor Oil And Jojoba Oil For Hair Growth
Jojoba oil is a natural wax ester that can act as a viable substitute for sebum. This makes it good for dry hair. It is often used in hair scalp treatments as it has good anti-inflammatory properties (26). It is also used in hair restorative treatments. It also helps remove excess sebum build-up and dirt that clog pores on the scalp.
What You Need
- 3 tablespoons castor oil
- 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
What You Need To Do
- Mix the oils in a container and shake well.
- Part your hair and apply the mixture directly to your scalp. Ensure that you cover all sections.
- Massage for 5-10 minutes to ensure proper blood circulation in the scalp.
- Wash your hair after an hour with some shampoo and warm water.
- Use this oil twice to thrice a week for longer and healthier hair.
13. Castor Oil And Cayenne Pepper For Hair Growth
Capsaicin present in cayenne pepper helps in stimulating hair growth (27). This compound triggers proper blood circulation from the hair roots to the follicles, supplying essential nutrients to the scalp and hair.
What You Need
- 60 ml castor oil
- 4-6 whole cayenne pepper
- A dark-colored glass bottle
What You Need To Do
- Cut cayenne pepper into very small pieces and add castor oil to it.
- Store this mixture in a glass bottle in a cool, dark place for about two to three weeks. Direct sunlight can destroy the carotenoids present in pepper, another compound essential for hair growth.
- Shake the bottle once in a while during the week.
- After three weeks, strain the mix and discard the pepper.
- Apply this oil to your scalp and massage for a few minutes. Let it sit for about an hour before washing it off as usual.
- Repeat this process twice a week to get the desired shine and volume.
14. Castor Oil And Garlic For Hair Growth
Studies have shown that garlic can help treat hair loss (28). It can also help reduce dandruff (29).
What You Need
- 2-3 tablespoons castor oil
- 2 garlic cloves
What You Need To Do
- Crush two garlic cloves with the help of a mortar and pestle and mix with castor oil.
- Marinate this mixture for three to four days.
- Get the oil out after 3-4 days and apply it to your hair and scalp.
- Massage for 5-10 minutes using circular motions. Let the oil stay on for two to three hours.
- Rinse the oil off using a good shampoo and conditioner.
- Use this tonic at least twice a week for accelerated hair growth.
15. Castor Oil And Glycerin For Hair Growth
Glycerin has moisturizing properties (30). It helps moisturize the hair and scalp and prevent itching and irritation.
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon castor oil
- 2-3 drops glycerin
What You Need To Do
- Mix a few drops of glycerin and castor oil. Apply this mixture to the hair and scalp and massage gently.
- Leave the oil mix on for one to two hours and wash it off using a very mild shampoo.
- Repeat this process once a week for a few months to get hydrated, shiny hair.
Note: If you have oily hair, skip this remedy altogether. Glycerin will make your hair even more oily and unmanageable.
16. Castor Oil And Monistat For Hair Growth
Monistat contains miconazole which is a well-known antifungal (31). A study showed that shampoos containing miconazole can prevent fungal infections (32).
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons castor oil
- 1 tube Monistat 7
What You Need To Do
- Mix an entire tube of Monistat 7 with castor oil and transfer the resultant to the applicator bottle.
- Part your hair into different sections and apply the mix to your hair and scalp. Massage gently for a few minutes. Wash it off after 30 minutes using warm water and shampoo.
- Use this mix once a week for a couple of months to witness desired results.
17. Castor Oil And Shea Butter For Hair Growth
Shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties (33). It can help soothe an itchy scalp and relieve dandruff. It also has antioxidant properties, which help reduce hair loss and hair damage. Unrefined shea butter contains no added chemicals, making it ideal for sensitive skin.
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon castor oil
- 1 tablespoon shea butter
What You Need To Do
- Mix the ingredients as it is if you want a butter-like concoction. For a more liquid appearance, heat shea butter for a few seconds and then mix it with castor oil.
- Apply the mix to your scalp and let it stay for an hour before washing it off.
- Use this blend once a week for healthy, dandruff-free hair.
18. Castor Oil And Ginger For Hair Growth
Ginger has impressive stimulating and healing properties. Centuries ago, it was used as a cure for balding (34). Ginger exhibits anti-dandruff activity (35).
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons castor oil
- 1 teaspoon ginger juice
What You Need To Do
- Add ginger juice to castor oil and massage your scalp with it. You can directly apply this mix on the bald spots for a speedy recovery.
- Leave the oil on for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water and shampoo.
- Repeat this process once or twice a week for best results.
Castor oil is thick and sticky. Hence, washing this oil off your hair, especially when it is left in overnight, is a strenuous task. Below is a technique that you can use to tackle this problem easily.
How To Remove Castor Oil From Hair Easily
- Use Lukewarm Water – Use mild warm water to damp your scalp and hair. This process will open your scalp pores to release the stored grime and dirt.
- Make A Rich Lather – Take some shampoo in your palms and add some water to it. Rub your palms to form a rich lather. This action will make your palms moist, thus avoiding friction that causes breakage.
- Gentle Application – Apply the shampoo to your hair and scalp. Massage gently using your fingertips. Let the shampoo stay for one minute.
- Wash It Off – Wash your hair with warm water. Use your fingers again to make circular motions along the scalp to wash any leftover shampoo.
- Use A Leave-In Conditioner – Apply some leave-in conditioner to your hair and tips. Keep it on for three to five minutes.
- Wash With Cold Water – The last step is to wash your hair completely with cold water. This step locks and seals the moisture and makes your hair richer and shinier.
- Towel Dry – Use a fresh towel to dry your hair. Do not rub your wet hair harshly. Let it air-dry.
- Use A Wide Toothed Comb – Use a good quality (preferably wooden) comb to untangle your hair.
Though there are no direct studies proving the hair growth-promoting effects of castor oil, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can aid hair growth and also minimize other hair and scalp-related issues. Ensure you use it moderation to avoid the side effects. Regular use of this oil alone, or in combination with other oils, along with some patience, will surely give you great results!
35 sources
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